Thursday, August 06, 2009

Baby update

Just a quick little update. I went to the Dr. yesterday and I was already two cm dialated. So this baby is coming soon. Woo hoo. The Dr. said I will probable be early. I was very excited about this 2 cm. because with Kennidi it took me 12 hours to get this far. I think this time my body is going, "Oh yeah, I remember this I can do it better this time." I sure hope so.


Tami said...

Yah, for 2 cm. I really hope she comes before school starts. It will be much easier to get there as soon as possible. Feel good! Love you!

Unknown said...

Yeah! I hope so too. how exciting. I can't wait to see her!

Rebecca said...

I hope she comes early, but you never know. I was dialted to 4 cm a whole week before Karlyn was born. Good luck with everything! Be sure to let us know when she gets here.